(Re)Start me up!

This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series.

There are cases where you would like to start a Java process identical to the current one (or at least using the the same JVM with tweaked parameters). Some concrete cases where this would be useful:

  • Auto-tuning the ...
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Upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB on Ubuntu

So you decided that Oracle doesn’t know its left foot from the back of his neck when it comes to open source (how’s that for a mixed metaphor), but you are not ready just yet to migrate over to PostgreSQL? Consider MariaDB. Coming from Monty Widenius, the original ...

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A (mostly) cross-platform clickable map of Romanian counties


TL;DR - I’ve created a map of Romania’s counties (judete) using Javascript which can be used as an alternative for drop-down boxes ...

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Every end is a new beginning

TL;DR: I’m shutting down the twitfeeder project (it was on lifesupport for a long time) so I mirrored a technical article from the blog in the hope that it might be useful for somebody someday.

Proxying URL fetch requests from the Google App Engine

Hosting on the Google ...

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Running pep8 and pylint programatically

Having tools like pep8 and pylint are great, especially given the huge amount of dynamism involved in Python - which results in many opportunities to shooting yourself in the foot. Sometimes however you want to invoke these tools in more specialized ways, for example only on the files which changed since ...

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