To my dear wife

If you are viewing this from the RSS feed: please visit the blog to see the embed. Many RSS readers filter out embed codes.

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Calls to action

With the motto “better late than never” here are some calls to action:

  • Vote for your favorite podcast on the Podcast Awards website. Votes are open until November the 30th and you can vote once per day (after you vote, you can an email with a link, which you must ...
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Surprising numbers

2801309954_3af91bf56b_o I was reading the latest FudSec piece (Generating a False Sense of Insecurity) where I found the following statement (emphasis added):

Facebook now has 300 million users. Let’s assume that each user has at least one piece of user-generated content on their Facebook page cause, well, it’s a ...

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The leaked Microsoft COFEE product

176571915_de1226bb5d_b So, the Microsoft COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor) tool was leaked. I took a quick look at it, and – as expected – there is nothing “magical”, “secret” or “backdoorish” about it (even though I love the picture which comes with the Gizmodo article, the text itself is complete and utter ...

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What VirusTotal is not

2139429_dedfc5706f_b Since its inception VirusTotal has been used by people to compare different AV products (just in case you don’t know: VirusTotal is great free service which scans the uploaded file with 40 AV engines currently and reports back the results). The AV industry has objected to this practice because ...

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Grooveshark VIP member


I’ve written about Grooveshark in the past, however I want to mention them again for a couple of reasons:

First of all, they introduced a new user interface, which works great. More than that, you can now seek in the songs! This means that Grooveshark directly addresses three out ...

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How to generate a stackdump with GDB

4054760074_609af75332_o I’m not a big GDB guy, but Google always helps:

  • Create a textfile with the following content:

    set height 0
    thread apply all bt
  • Run the following command:

    gdb $EXE -pid $PID -command $TEXTFILE > $OUTPUTFILE


    • \$EXE is the path to the executable
    • \$PID is the PID ...
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Fun videos

Got the links from a friend:

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