On benchmarks

Numbers every programmer should know and their impact on benchmarks

Disclaimer: I don’t mean to be picking on the particular organizations / projects / people who I’ll mention below. They are just examples of a larger trend I observed.

Sometimes (most of the times?) we forget just how powerful the ...

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The wrong time to update software…

is when the user is the busiest, for example when s/he just started your application. See for example the screenshot below with Adobe Air (click trough to see it in its full beauty).

[![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-r_lf3uTwZgY/TaMCg6ba3pI/AAAAAAAADWA/d2bvVKLpVQE/s320/adobe-air-update.png)](http://3.bp.blogspot ...
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Copyright is not theft!

Recently there have been quite a few copyright-related posts which came up in my feedreader. This is of course a complicated and layered problem which can’t be solved in the couple of paragraphs of this blogpost, but at least I can post a bunch of great materials which should ...

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On the hopelessness of pulling content from the interwebs

3864920222_87dfd17f9e_b In the last couple of weeks I had at least two cases where I saw a (provocative) post come up in my feedreader, click trough to read the entire piece (BTW, partial feeds just suck!), just to find that the owner removed the post. The first was from the DynDNS ...

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You go PHD Comics!

PHD Comics is always great and hilarious (and worth to subscribe to if you are even vaguely related to the academic world - like trough a friend of a friend :-)) but there are those occasions when it is epic, like this one:


The ...

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A missed opportunity

3024043706_46c08dc0f5_o The theory of capitalism (and I’m greatly oversimplifying here, I know) says that, even is we all follow just our own self interest, a global “good” will somehow emerge. This is what F-Secure is doing in their blogpost where they write about a specific ransomware which – if you get ...

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Today’s fudbuster

4039543987_2ea3fb6e8b_b We begin today’s FUD-buster with – applause please – cyberterorism via an “article”: Cyberterrorism: A look into the future. The article talks about Estonia (which is the poster-child for “cyber” incidents these days) and says the following thing (amongst others equally high-quality content) – emphasis added:

“The three-week cyberattack on Estonia ...

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