A (mostly) cross-platform clickable map of Romanian counties


TL;DR - I’ve created a map of Romania’s counties (judete) using Javascript which can be used as an alternative for drop-down boxes ...

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Every end is a new beginning

TL;DR: I’m shutting down the twitfeeder project (it was on lifesupport for a long time) so I mirrored a technical article from the blog in the hope that it might be useful for somebody someday.

Proxying URL fetch requests from the Google App Engine

Hosting on the Google ...

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Running pep8 and pylint programatically

Having tools like pep8 and pylint are great, especially given the huge amount of dynamism involved in Python - which results in many opportunities to shooting yourself in the foot. Sometimes however you want to invoke these tools in more specialized ways, for example only on the files which changed since ...

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Clearing your Google App Engine datastore

Warning! This is a method to erase the data from your Google App Engine datastore. There is no way to recover your data after you go trough with this! Only use this if you’re absolutely certain!

If you have a GAE account used for experimentation, you might like to ...

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Updating the root certificates for Java

One usually thinks of SSL in the context of HTTPS, but there are also other protocols which rely on it to provide security. See this link for a short overview of SSL – it only mentions HTTPS, but the same applies for IMAPS, FTPS, etc – SSL is independent of the wrapped ...

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Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows

Vagrant is a collection of scripts written in Ruby to manage VirtualBox images in a shared environment (like the QA boxes inside a company): install them, update them, etc. Unfortunately installing it under Windows is not as straight forward as one would want, so here are some useful tips:

  • Read ...
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