All Categories for Grey Panther's Place

On benchmarks

Proxying pypi / npm / etc for fun and profit!

Programming advent calendars for 2013

Cleaning up Google AppEngine Mapreduce Jobs

Capturing your screen on Ubuntu - with sound

Tips for running SonarQube on large / legacy codebases

Nested fluent builders

Passing UTF-8 trough HTTP

Connecting to the MtGox market data feed using Perl

Converting datetime to UTC in python

Recovering your RoTLD password for domains registered trough Gandi.NET

Free software for Windows

What every programmer should know about X

Ensuring the order of execution for tasks

Java Runtime options

Changes to String.substring in Java 7

(Re)Start me up!

Upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB on Ubuntu

Cluj-Napoca (Romania) wins the title of European Youth Capital 2015

Writing beautiful code - not just for the aesthetic value

A (mostly) cross-platform clickable map of Romanian counties

Every end is a new beginning

Helper for testing multi-threaded programs in Java

GeekMeet talk about Google App Engine

Lightning talk at Cluj.PM

Running pep8 and pylint programatically

Clearing your Google App Engine datastore

Relaxed JSON parsing

Updating the root certificates for Java

Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows

Another friend blogging

Using Jython from Maven

How to post high-quality videos to Google Video

Integrating Maven with Ivy

Upgrading the Options (GlobeTrotter) GI515m

Getting the most out of your audio recording with Audacity

More videos

Of maps and men

Informative videos about copyright and remixing issues

Recording test performance with Jenkins

Audio quality redux

Power Line Humm Removal With Audacity

Protein Shakes site review

Running JRuby on 64 bit Windows

Using less with syntax highlight

Link love

100 years of style

Quick’n’dirty Mediawiki file crawler

Creating a non-MAC bound CentOS 6 machine

Levant Digital Marketing review

Paving site review

IVA site review

Setting up git-daemon under Ubuntu

Adding tab completition to Maven3 under Ubuntu review review

Booting the Linux Kernel from Grub2

The wrong time to update software…

Recovering encrypted home directory under Ubuntu

scentsy review take two review review

Setting the maximum number of opened files under Ubuntu (for JProfiler)

DiskMap - an disk backed Map in Java

Why running sushi is the best fast-food?

Microbenchmarking and you

Doing some estimations

Audio quality

Sorry for the malware warning! review

Setting up IMAP with Yahoo! Mail

Manually enabling IP routing in Windows XP

Is hand-writing assembly still necessary these days?

How to quickly start up a webserver with Python

Why you should use in your hosts file - redux

Augmenting Log4J stack traces with class versions

Remote debugging with Java

Navigating (Searching) Collections

How to test for the implementation of toString()

Non-buffered processor in Perl

Comparative book review

noevir review

scentsy review

Processing clipboard data in Perl

Why Ubuntu 10.10 is better than Windows XP?

Java has some surprising amount of dinamism in it

Java Date objects can mutate, even when read

TigerChef review

Problems (and a semi-solution) for tcpdump with DAG cards

shuttledirect review

Copyright is not theft!

Dear people: try to think harder, even if it makes your head hurt!

Who is hype-free?

On the hopelessness of pulling content from the interwebs

Putting the eval into Java

Update to the Blogger Tag Cloud

“Funny things I found while browsing the web” post

Updated YARPG

Sending an X-Face email with Perl+GMail

Performance optimization techniques for Java code

Solving mathematical puzzles with brute-force and Perl

RHUB review

String.intern() – there are better ways review

eDirectHost review

Unshortifying Cisco “Go” links

Parsing pcap files with Perl

Spammy Mike

Fixing a dead Asus WL-500g

Computing the last digit of b^e efficiently

In praise of Regexp::Assemble

Funny pictures post :-)

RegEx which matches strings not containing a substring

Java import statement gotcha

FindersUK review

BrickHouse Alert review

Globe Runner review

Softline Local Review

You go PHD Comics!

Carving out files with Perl

Should I use RoboForm?

Who feeds me? (with information)

Splitting hairs^H^H^H^H^H strings with Java

The future of web hosting

Best web hosting?

Donating to the Haiti earthquake relief effort

An useful Ubuntu (online) resource

Forensic analysis of JPEG images

Security vendor’s “top-threat” list proof for their less-than-perfect performance?

A missed opportunity

Announcing a couple of contests

Options for giving

Making Prodigy’s “Smack My Bitch Up” in Ableton by Jim Pavloff

TwitFeeder is not for Twitter only

Google Web Hosting alternatives

A “Bob” story

Launching The Twit Feeder

Choosing a Java profiler

As if you need extra reasons for paranoia

Don’t Yield to pressure?

How to save/restore iptables rules on Ubuntu?

How eco-friendly is a BMW?

Recouping your data from a hung program

Congratulation to AV-Comparatives!

Don’t listen alone!

Schneier videos

New challenges

A game of Chinese whispers

Twitter hacked

Discount Codes UK review

I’m the spam killa’

Screenshot forensics

Plugging a good friend of mine (not in a sexual way! :-P)

Today’s fudbuster

ActivTrack review

Small Business VoIP review

To my dear wife

Calls to action

Surprising numbers

Web Hosting Site Review Review :-p

The leaked Microsoft COFEE product

What VirusTotal is not

Grooveshark VIP member

How to generate a stackdump with GDB

The importance of false positives

Fun videos

Why network neutrality is a big deal

Bohemian Bankruptcy

RequestPolicy Firefox Plugin – the ultimate NoScript

help build the mozilla developer network

Taking apart the Dell Inspiron 9400

Watch out for those reviews…

And now for some upbeat news

The difference between additive and subtractive color schemes

If you use Perl…

A couple of new challenges

Using TarInputStream from Java

Avalonix Wireless Camera review


Sony Ericsson Satio

LandAirSea Systems - GPS Tracking

Fixing CVS annotate

CBT Planet - PR Newswire

cbt planet

One more thing…

My opinion about Microsoft, software piracy and everything

Space Invaders Rulz!

Two new challenges

VoIPstreet Affiliate Program review

SMOG button removed!

ERR – Exponentially Expanding Rants

The Myths of Innovation

Carcassonne – a great boardgame

Network Forensics Contest submission

Back with a vengeance

Ethical Hacker challenge “Prison Break” solution

Geek pr0n – time lapse video of building racks

T2‘09 Challenge

Careful with that axe^H^H^H static, Eugene!

Freakonomics review

Spot the error

Perl is everywhere!

Youtube gadget generator