Programming advent calendars for 2013

Programming advent calendars are posts/articles for a particular topic posted daily between the 1st and 24th of December. They are modeled on the advent calendars received by children on some countries which contain 24 doors for the 24 days of advent and behind each door is a piece of ...

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Java Runtime options

This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series. If you like it, please spread the word by sharing, tweeting, FB, G+ and so on! Want to write for the Java Advent blog? We are looking for contributors to fill all 24 slot and would love to ...

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(Re)Start me up!

This post was originally published as part of the Java Advent series.

There are cases where you would like to start a Java process identical to the current one (or at least using the the same JVM with tweaked parameters). Some concrete cases where this would be useful:

  • Auto-tuning the ...
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