Non-buffered processor in Perl

Lets say that you have the following problem: you want to write a script which processes the output of a program and writes out the modified somewere, with as little buffering as possible. One concrete example (for which I needed the script) is log rotation: you want to save the ...

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Processing clipboard data in Perl

The problem: lets say you have a program which generates data to the clipboard (or it is easier to get the data into the clipboard than into a file) and you want to process the data (create a summary for example).

Perl to the rescue!

Get the Clipboard module (if ...

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In praise of Regexp::Assemble

…and of the Perl modules in general. I had the following problem:

Given a list of 16 character alphanumeric IDs, find all the lines from a large-ish (\~6GB) logfile which contain at least one of the IDs.

The naive approach was to construct a big regular expression like \W(\QID1 ...

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Carving out files with Perl

I’ve had to use this trick a couple of times the last few years, so I decided that I might as well document it:

If you have an image of a storage media (like an SD card or CD/DVD) which you can not mount (either because the filesystem ...

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