On benchmarks

Numbers every programmer should know and their impact on benchmarks

Disclaimer: I don’t mean to be picking on the particular organizations / projects / people who I’ll mention below. They are just examples of a larger trend I observed.

Sometimes (most of the times?) we forget just how powerful the ...

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Proxying pypi / npm / etc for fun and profit!

Package managers for source code (like pypi, npm, nuget, maven, gems, etc) are great! We should all use them. But what happens if the central repository goes down? Suddenly all your continious builds / deploys fail for no reason. Here is a way to prevent that:

Configure Apache as a caching ...

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Programming advent calendars for 2013

Programming advent calendars are posts/articles for a particular topic posted daily between the 1st and 24th of December. They are modeled on the advent calendars received by children on some countries which contain 24 doors for the 24 days of advent and behind each door is a piece of ...

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Capturing your screen on Ubuntu - with sound

Today I have a short script which I cobbled together from Google searches to do screen captures / screen casts with Ubuntu (including audio in so that you can narrate what is going on):

Xaxis=$(xrandr -q | grep '*' | uniq | awk '{print $1}' |  cut -d 'x ...
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Nested fluent builders

Crossposted from the Transylvania JUG website.

Builders have become commonplace in current Java code. They have the effect of transforming the following code:

` {lang=”java” escaped=”true”} new Foo(1, 5, “abc”, false);


Into something like

``` {lang="java" escaped="true" line="1"}
  .name ...
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